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Leonard & Audrey Dearing Elementary School

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Counselor Corner

Talking About School

When students come home from school, we often ask, “How was your day? At times, we don’t get a response. Instead, try asking questions like the one’s below:

-What’s the coolest thing that happened today?
-If you were the teacher, how would you describe the day?
-In what way(s) were you kind or helpful today?

What Does Respect Look Like? Sound Like?

Children encounter many situations at home and school, with kids and adults which give them opportunities to speak to others with respect. When they speak respectfully, they are more likely to gain respect from others.
At times, there will be disagreements, and the respectful replies tend to go south quickly. Think about something that you and your child disagree on. Bedtime? A limit on the time spent on a video game? Model having a respectful discussion about your disagreement. Let’s say it is limiting time on a video game. You might say that his/her brain is growing and s/he needs to run and play to stay healthy, or spend that time on reading more challenging books. You can guide him/her to a response such as, “I want to be healthy, but I also love video games.” Ask him/her to think of other situations where people have had different opinions but still speak to each other with respect.
Everyday Acts: Mowing the lawn or cleaning up after your dog teaches your child about respect for neighbors and the community. They learn that keeping your neighborhood clean and neat makes it nice and safer for everyone. Ask him/her for some other ideas that show respect towards neighbors/community. If you share an apartment laundry room, s/he might say that you respect neighbors’ time by removing your clothes when they’re done so others get to use the washers and/or dryers.

Celebrate Progress

A friend of mine shared this with me, I wanted to pass it to you. To celebrate successes, she and her children covered shoe boxes with paper bags, then added their own “bling”. They titled their boxes, “Look What I’ve Done!”. When her children felt accomplished, or successful, they write those accomplishments on a piece of paper and slip them in the boxes. Learning to tie shoes, adding fractions, doing a backbend, are just a few of the celebrations you’ll find in their boxes. If/when her kids are feeling discouraged, they have their accomplishment boxes that they can reference for a pick me up.

Giggles and Grins

Can a kangaroo jump higher that the Empire State Building?
(Sure it can, the Empire State Building can’t jump!)

What do you get when you cross a cow and a duck?
(Milk and quackers!)

What do you call a fake noodle?
(An Impasta!)

What do you call an alligator in a vest?
(An Investigator)

What's the difference between a guitar and a fish?
(You can't tuna fish!)