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Leonard & Audrey Dearing Elementary School

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Library hours:

Monday- Friday 8:00 am -2:45 pm for students.
Closed from 12:15pm -12:45 pm for lunch, except on Tuesdays (12:00 pm -12:30 pm).
Every class visits the library once a week or as scheduled by the teacher.  Pflugerville ISD follows a flexible schedule for the library, which allows the librarian to work cooperatively with teachers and support the classroom curriculum. Students are able to visit the library any time during the day with teacher permission.
Students in kindergarten and 1st grade are allowed to check out one book at a time. Students can check out books for 1 week at a time, with no renewal option.  The book must be returned prior to checking out another book.
Students in 2nd-5th grade are allowed to check out two books at a time (4th and 5th graders with signed playaway permission slips may check out 2 books along with 1 playaway for a total of 3 items) . The length of check-out is 2 weeks, with a one time renewal limit.  All books that are overdue must be returned prior to checking out more books.  After 30 days of being overdue, books will be marked "lost" and will require payment before checking out more books.